Jobs abroad, gap year placements and internships

Working in United Kingdom

All "Live & Work" programmes in United Kingdom

UK - Work and Travel

With her impressive castles, long-established pubs, great shopping, stunning landscape, museums and majestic homes, extreme fashions and trendsetting music and theatre, Britain is a great destination for young travellers. Nothing beats living and working in Britain for an extended period of time to really get to know the country from the inside. The country is small in size but nonetheless offers a wide selection of places in which to live and work.

UK - Easy Start

During the summer months most employers look for great numbers of extra staff, and a lot of them are happy to accept candidates from out of the country. Employment can range from hotels and catering to farm work. There are also positions available in childcare, conservation work and archaeological excavations. We offer accommodation in central London, weekend activities and sightseeing, English language course; discount card, free telephone card, free London guide and orientation about how to find a job in the UK.

Global Choices. Contact information

Global Choices, 146 Omega Works, 4 Roach Road, London E3 2GY, United Kingdom
Tel: (+ 44) 208 533 2777 (UK)
Tel.: (+1) 646 929 4656 (USA)
Fax: (+ 44) 870 330 5955

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