Working in Greece
All "Live & Work" programmes in Greece
Greece - Work and Travel
Gain work experience and earn money while enjoying what Greece has to offer. Paid work and travel placements are available in the hospitality industry, and there is no extra charge for accommodation. Meals are also provided. This programme is designed all EU citizens till 29 years old (students and non-students) who are taking a gap year or looking to do something different for a few months.
Greece - Student Hospitality Training
This programme is intended for students 18-27 years old from tourism and hospitality schools, universities or colleges. All placements are in the hospitality industry, and your employer will provide accommodation and food at no extra cost. Placements are for a minimum duration of 3 months, in positions such as receptionist, animator, instructor, bartender, waitress/waiter, housekeeper, kitchen helper and so on. Placements are in 4-5* luxuriuos hotels.
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