UK - Work and Travel
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It is stated in the application that references must be written in English or notarized translations. We are translating all the references ourselves. Is it possible to translate the references, or they should be translated by professional and notarized?
All required documents must be written in English and translated by an official translator.
Is accommodation organized by employer? If not, will they assist participants in finding accommodation?
Our employers use to provide accommodation or help participants in finding it. Generally accommodation here must be taken on a 6 or 12 month lease, but it varies from place to place. Rent averages at €60 - €70 per week per person to rent a room in a house, again this is just an average. One month rent and one month rent as deposit must be paid in advance, i.e rent for 2 months, one month of which is refundable, pending all contract details have been adhered to, at the end of the lease term.
What are the duties of the general assistants at the airports?
They prepare and pack food for the airplanes.
What jobs can you offer in the UK?
We have different vacancies in restaurants, pubs, hotels, farms, construction, etc.
Global Choices. Contact information
Global Choices, 146 Omega Works, 4 Roach Road, London E3 2GY, United Kingdom
Tel: (+ 44) 208 533 2777 (UK)
Tel.: (+1) 646 929 4656 (USA)
Fax: (+ 44) 870 330 5955
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